Consider a simple spreadsheet in Microsoft excel, including C column A data table with the following:
Employees of column A unique Rep number column B-name column C of their salary
Assume are 99 people (consider the column headings mean the end table row 100 in) table. To search someone's salary, number of employees. Using Excel functions to do can be done?
The answer is sure to specify that only exact matches well in searches, person details lookup tables (that contains the name of the person or employee number i.e., table) returns the value in the third column.
To verify this behavior on the cell E1 (for example, 12345) the personnel number, type and cell F1 let's type the following formula.
= VLOOKUP (E1, A1:C100, 3, FALSE)
There are arguments used here four; (is a bit of information passed in the parenthesis function arguments) what each is located here.
E1-this is the number of personnel to search for our table A1:C100-tables have seen a number of employees is. Looking for things we in the lookup table (personnel number is here), must in the first column of the lookup table. 3-Columns that are returned we (here, third in the table column values: i.e., salaries) false-in other words, should we do an exact match. If you don't specify this, can be discovered, 12220 this dire consequences and Excel. Many people use 0 instead of the long travel time to enter the FALSE, (the same result as) decide.
One use the VLOOKUP function in Excel is: to return to the database in a particular field value. Our range searched value when use of the other is the subject of another article.
Andy Brown is a Microsoft Excel trainier and wise OWL business solutions developers. MS Excel courses for more information, a wise OWL here, and then you can try some exercises in the VLOOKUP function in Excel
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