Thursday, April 7, 2011

Excel 2010 new Center for resources on TechNet for IT professionals!

TechNet has just published a new resource page of Excel 2010!

Excel 2010 resource center on TechNet

This page is full of information for IT Pros, including links to on-line articles, white papers, blogs and videos that cover:

How to get the considerationsCompatibility of trialChanges and Migrating Excel 2007 with earlier versions of Excel and formatsHow supported file to optimize the services of performanceHPC for settingsOverviews for change ExcelHow macro security Excel Services and Excel Web AppHow to configure security for ExcelHow to find resourcesWhere developer to find support

This is just an example of what is on the page-there is so much more! Surely it is a good one to add to your Favorites!

-Amy Miller

View the original article here

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