Thursday, April 14, 2011

If and only if (video)

This post is all about if-Rudyard Kipling's poem, or song from 1971, but bread. If the function is used in many applications, but most of us know from Microsoft Excel:

IF (logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])

If it is one of the most sought after for words on, so we thought we would compile some of our resources, so if you can find them more easily.

If you're just looking for basic information about the function, as the syntax, arguments, and examples, check if function reference topic. If you prefer to watch a video, take a look at the Video: introduction to the IF function in Excel 2010:

We also have assembled a new training course on Excel if function, complete with a quick reference card that you can print out and keep handy.

Microsoft Access and Microsoft Project use a variant of se, known as IIF, to perform conditional logic. For the basics, here is the reference on the topic IIF function. In the Macro Builder, Access logic if it can be built using the if ...Then ...Else Block Macro. In Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), you would use the sePoi ...Else statement.

The same basic syntax appears in other Office programs, so now that you have studied in these materials, you should be good to go. There is more you'd like to know if? Do you have any favorite examples of use in your work? Please let us know.

-Chris Downs

View the original article here

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