Saturday, April 9, 2011

Model budget Wedding Planner: from good to great in under 5 minutes (video)

a.stbar.chicklet img {border: 0; height: 16px; width: 16px; margin-right: 3px; vertical-align: middle;}a.stbar.chicklet {height: 16px; line-height: 16px;}Microsoft Excel-wedding budget planner template: from good to great in under 5 minutes (video) JoinSign in the Microsoft Office Blog on RSS Atom

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Recent posts by using the RSS model Wedding budget planner: from good to great in under 5 minutes (video), Amy Miller, February 22, 2010 4: 21 PM 0 comments

Planning a wedding can be really funny or really stressful. OK, to be honest, it is usually a bit of both. Can be quite difficult to understand where aunt Mildred's seat at the front desk and how to get your bridesmaids that really cute yellow taffeta. Now imagine trying to coordinate and keep track of your expenses and overall wedding budget. While it can't really help with the problem of yellow taffeta, Excel can help keep your wedding budget.

As part of a 5-minute makeover, check out this short video on how to upgrade your wedding budget planner in less than 5 minutes. And if you like what you see, be sure to download free template at the same time!

Check out the post last week on business expenses, and invoice templates, as well as models of college student and household budget for biggest makeovers 5 minutes.

-Amy Miller

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