Saturday, February 19, 2011

Budgets of college student and the family: from good to great in under 5 minutes (video)

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a.stbar.chicklet img {border:0;height:16px;width:16px;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:middle;}a.stbar.chicklet {height:16px;line-height:16px;}Microsoft Excel - College student and household budgets: From good to great in under 5 minutes (video) JoinSign in      The Microsoft Office Blog About RSS Atom

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Recent posts via RSS College student and household budgets: From good to great in under 5 minutes (video) Amy Miller 1 Feb 2011 4:00 PM Comments 1

If you're like me, and you're still trying to get started on your New Year's resolutions, hope is not lost. If you made a resolution around getting your budget set up or organizing your monthly financial expenses, you're in luck. There are some great Excel templates and videos available to show you how to turn your monthly budget spreadsheet into a work of art, all in under 5 minutes! And if you don't already have a budget spreadsheet, there are even some great templates to get you started.

Here are two videos, one focused on a budget for college students and one for a household budget. So if you haven't started on your New Year's resolution of setting up a budget, or you want to make your current budget in Excel look and work even better, check these two videos out!

College Student Budget Makeover


Household Budget Makeover


 If you’re a student or are involved in education,  also check out the Office in Education blog for more news and tips.

--Amy Miller

1 Comments students, templates, budget ShareThis


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Comments DPriya 5 Feb 2011 1:45 AM

It seems Excel is growing vastly and we too have to upgrade ourself very fast. Now excel extered into college students and household areas aswell. Very happy to learn such new topics daily. Thanks Amy Miller. Please keep on upgrade Excel chapters. It helped me to handle worksheet properly and efficiently. Good Keep it up.

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