Saturday, February 26, 2011

Working with a linked Microsoft Excel worksheet

Provides several methods of link value of a Microsoft Excel worksheet or an entire workbook. Choose which way depends on the desired result. This article make the pros and cons.

Create a formula to link the. In this way, you can create active links between the worksheet or workbook. On the all worksheet cells linked in the same place you do not. You can perform arithmetic operations during the creation of the link. For example, figures from one worksheet to another worksheet multiplies the figure form the third worksheet number subtraction. You can explain how to link a cell in the worksheet or workbook. One drawback of this method of cell is processed at the same time, so time consuming is. Using a named range, this way of link help, and they are created and readable expression.

Creating a total on worksheet. This is also an active link between. Also updated if you change the number one worksheet to the aggregate formula sheet. When you insert a worksheet worksheet, harmony between the total is updated automatically. The disadvantage of this method is the same on all worksheet cells of all links must be in place. (It can be copied to other cells in summary worksheet formulas can have). In addition, only total cell can be at the same time. When you use the sum function to create the same spreadsheet with group mode, multiple worksheets can help. This method is also limited in the workbook between workbooks do not.

Integration features. To create a link aggregation can determine whether or not would be interactive. Provide the maximum level of detail summary worksheet for this method. As well as any function and the sum function to be able to select. For example, can create a summary worksheet average of several departments. The disadvantage of this method is required have the same worksheet. It is difficult to use the integration between different workbooks is not, it's impossible.

Use Paste link the. It also creates an active link between. On the all worksheet cells linked in the same place you do not. You can link to a worksheet or workbook. Providing integration is a great way to link the different totals from one worksheet, but according to your details.

Is several methods in this way, to create interactive links in Excel. If you're not familiar with a variety of techniques covered in the depths of the extensive online training has developed a business training team Excel. What to Excel work of covered by visiting to see that you can. This training is displayed in Microsoft Excel-certified specialist Sue white.

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