Monday, February 7, 2011

In the cells, rows, columns, worksheets and Microsoft Excel 2007 introduction of Excel files.

A rectangle that contains information such as cell a string, number or formula in Microsoft Excel 2007 box is made. It is possible to capture the data of the type of information it also want other users to be as a result of the formula.

Group of rows aligned cells referenced by number. Minimum number 1, up to 1, 048, 576. Row click a cell in Microsoft Excel 2007, and Brown in color will receive what row highlighting.

Group columns, and cells of the vertical array is referenced in the alphabet. From A starting and end now XFD. Again similar to clicking cell line, Microsoft Excel 2007 in brown color selected columns show what column highlighting.

Worksheet rows and columns group. 3 Worksheet you must open a blank Excel file by default, every time. It is called sheets 1 sheet 2 and 3. You may, of course, insert function by increasing the worksheet. You may put data, formulas or charts, worksheets. Worksheet is white color, highlighted as the active worksheet, Microsoft Excel function on the tab of run most where it is.

Is a group of worksheet in Excel file. Open a blank file and come with three worksheets. Book if you open another file named 1 by default, the book it will be the name of 2. You must save the file to change the name of the file. Do it, click the Office button easily save as] to select.

Luis T is the owner of the Find the way to master Microsoft Excel website.

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